Thursday, April 30, 2009


I started this blog to share my food findings! I had a baby in January and since then I have been obsessed with getting the baby weight off! I am nursing so my doctor told me the only diet I can do is Weight Watchers. So since then, I have been entertaining myself with finding delicious food and snacks that are as few points as possible! For those of you who are unaware of Weight Watchers, each food is assigned a point value (points are based on fat, calories, and fiber). You are given a point value based on your weight, height, lifestyle etc and you must eat that amount of points each day to lose weight. I have lost 18lbs since I started the program about 6 weeks ago. Granted, that is much more than an average person should loose that quick but since it is baby weight....I believe it is ok.
So, if you aren't on Weight Watchers or even on a diet at all, this blog can still be beneficial for you! My intent is to tell everyone about the smart snacks and foods that I find and create! I will list recipes, nutrition facts, and point values. I hope you can benefit from my ideas and findings! Happy Eating!

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